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As a political center and tourist city, Beijing can be said to be one of the hottest cities. A lot of foreign friends came to Beijing, the first thing to do is to rent a car. But Beijing car needs what procedures, I am afraid there are many friends do not understand. Many people think that car is very simple, as long as the payment of the deposit, the ID card or a copy of the driver's license to pay up on it. In fact, the car is very easy to cause the crude and careless security risks or disputes. Following is the Beijing car rental company procedures and matters needing attention.
Beijing car rental and car rental procedures
Beijing car needs what procedures? One in the car before the first to consider a problem, that is to choose a car rental company. Before choosing a certain reference to a number of car rental companies, for their service attitude, as well as car rental agreement content and pay the deposit to do a detailed understanding of the situation. In addition, we should also take into account the size of the car rental companies have a reputation. Car, although very common, many car rental services company will with the maturity of the expansion of scale and business, in the provisions of the system more perfect, but to ensure the car rental legitimate rights and interests and car rental company interests, in a certain extent, both sides need to act in accordance with the standards, so that it can achieve a win-win objective.
Beijing car rental companies need to do? Second, to prepare their own documents, identity cards and driver's license, the need to make copies of these documents to do collateral, but also need to pay a certain deposit. This problem is very common, want to rent a car, the number of first deposit generally depends on the choice of vehicles, the general high-end commercial vehicle deposit is more expensive. Deposit is generally through the third party to pay, and that is to provide car rental credit card can be, inside the store a certain amount of deposit (such as some car rental company of the deposit requirement is according to the models and car rental time. The cost of deposit is in 3000 yuan, 5000 yuan, 8000 yuan of), need to freeze the bank accounts, if the smooth return of the car, and there is no any dispute, you can thaw to normal use.
Beijing car needs what procedures? The third car after select the vehicle as well as the cost of paying, also need to provide about running away and roughly the route, general each vehicle are equipped with GPS navigation, used to detect the vehicle trip, trip for auto detection and understanding the specific time is like a car rental company is a project, which is mainly used to protect the vehicle and the user's safety, also used to understand the car specific use cases. So the car in the car before the need will be general travel arrangements (including distance and schedule) to the car rental company, so that it is convenient for the communication between the two sides, in encounter traffic accident or vehicle barriers, to facilitate the company sent staff to treatment or repair.
Beijing car rental companies need to do? Summed up to say that it is necessary to 5 parts: the first is the identity card; second is the driver's license; third is a credit card; fourth is a deposit, the other fifth is a schedule of travel plans. Know the specific procedures and steps to rent a car, you can get the car smoothly, safely on the road, a happy journey.

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